Tag Archives: Fashion

Sunday/Monday pins

12 Mar

A day late and a dollar short it seems.  But last week was so nuts.  Ava was really sick and I kept her home for a few days only to come back to work to further bathroom offenses.  Friday night I went to the Black Keys/Arctic Monkeys concert with some people from work (more on that later,) spent Saturday with my family, went to the St. Patrick’s Day parade with the in-laws and a two year-old who still isn’t 100% well on Sunday, and now I can toss in Daylight Savings so I’m pretty much done over here.  I won’t pretend that I’m not looking a little worse for wear this morning. One of the other mothers at daycare (who I’m already not terribly fond of) said to me “oh, are you on vacation today?” The only thing I could respond with was “no, this is just what I look like today.” So, here are my pins from last week a bit late.  Playing catch-up over here.

I love these colorful knobs.  They would look really cute on a kid’s white dresser.  The pin led me to her Etsy shop Sweet Mix Creations. I love the light switch plate cover.

There was no link with this one, but its pretty easy to do.  Put a glow stick in the balloons before blowing them up.  These would be awesome for night parties.

Speaking of parties, how cute are these tissue chandeliers? I really want to make these. Is it too early in the season to plan a bbq?


This dress has my name all over it.  Want.

But the best part of last week was my mini-me feeling better!

Sunday Pins

22 Jan

Tomorrow I head to my conference, aka, my first trip sans family. I’m incredibly nervous, but also pretty excited.  Didn’t lose that five pounds I had planned on, but I suppose I’ll get over it.  And I still haven’t finished packing.  Actually, that’s not true.  I packed and then I realized that I packed like a crazy person. Do I really need six pairs of shoes?  I had to reign myself in, so I pulled everything out.  I also thought to pack sweaters and then I checked the weather and its going to be 80 degrees and sunny all week.  I’m basically heading towards my heaven.  I’m bringing a suit jacket for the one day I’ll have to wear that and a jean jacket for night and calling it a day.  So today’s pins are all based on my imaginary wardrobe.  Basically the stuff that I wish I were taking with me.

I love this color combo.  As I get older I seem to acquire more and more shades of brown. I’m not really sure why, but I guess it’s better that wearing black all the time.

This outfit looks chic but comfy.  And these are actually good colors for me.  Gimmie.

There you are again brown. This would be perfect for one of my post conference networking events.

I love these shorts.  My husband thinks I’m crazy, but I wear shorts all year round. My office is super casual, as in, you literally wear whatever you want.  We just leave suits in the closet in case you need one.  I think that’s pretty common in tech oriented companies.  I was in the Facebook office not too long ago and it was like walking into Urban Outfitters.   So I have the constant internal struggle of not letting myself look like a complete ragamuffin when I leave the house. I am now an expert on dressing up jeans and shorts.  Nothing makes me happier than shorts, stockings and fab boots in the winter.  I honestly have more shorts now than skirts.  This outfit is very me for summer at work. Except I want to snag the chunky necklace from that girl.

I love this color.  I wish Pinterest would tell me where to find this because I’d go out and try it on.  I guess I should be glad it does not tell me for that very reason.  I could seriously just post outfits all day, but now I want to go shopping, so I need to stop.

Have a great Sunday everyone and a great week.  I’ll be back next week!

Golden Globes

17 Jan

I finally got the devil baby, I mean my darling child, to go to bed for the evening.  So let’s get down to business. Golden Globes business.  I typically turn on the pre-show before the awards so I can see what everyone is wearing, but I got started a little late last night. The first person I saw was Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.  And I heard Brad’s voice.  His voice is just so very…Brad? I just kept wondering to myself, how does one wake-up every morning to Brad Pitt?  Besides the very obvious fact that he’s gorgeous.  His voice is so beautiful. I think I would wake up in awe every single morning.  You’re a lucky woman, Angelina. You blood wearing, self-harming, girl-interrupted, you.

I usually tune-in early and turn it off early as well because I just get so bored with it all.  They recap the winners the next day, what’s the big deal?  But I was oddly into it last night.  Seth Rogen was actually funny. I used to think he was funny, but then he turned into that Ben Stiller funny.  As in, he played virtually the same exact character every single role.  It wears thin after awhile.  But I actually found myself laughing.  I was also thrilled that Peter Dinklage won for his role in Game of  Thrones (Nerds Unite!) Jessica Lange looked amazing and I love that she kept her speech short.  Pretty sure she’s had some serious stuff done to her face, but I guess I just expect it at this point.  She’s no Joan Rivers yet.  Clive Owen looked delicious as always and I was surprised as all get out to see Matt LeBlanc.  I had no idea he was still on tv.  Jury is still out whether or not he and Tony Danza might actually be related.

But I have a couple of questions.  Let’s start with Thomas Jane. Why in the world are you wearing that stupid hat?  Were you hoping that people would talk about your hat and not your penis for one evening?  My guess is that you were probably successful in that venture.

Sarah Michelle Gellar – please excuse my french, but what the fuck is that dress?

My toddler has impeccable taste.

Really, wtf?  Tie -dye? Who wears tie-dye to an awards show? Or maybe anywhere for that matter. She said that she let her two-year old pick out her dress.  That’s actually code, meaning she looked in the mirror before she left the house and knew that the dress was wrong.  It was probably just too late to take it off.  A stylist may be fired over that one.  Freddie must have been doing his hair when this decision was being made.

Hey everybody, come and see how good I look.

And Madonna, what, who, where?  I don’t even know how to start.  I used to love you.  I had respect for you.  You were a trail-blazer.  But what exactly is that accent? Pretty sure you grew up in Detroit.  Is that how they speak in Michigan these days?  And that foreign movies introduction.  Pretty sure I filled my nightly quota of pretentious right there.  So thanks. But I certainly will be sure not to say anything about it if I ever meet you. Because your arms are terrifying.  Truly, I would not mess with you.  This picture does not do them justice, but its close enough for me to be uncomfortable. And unlike Jessica Lange, your face is in dangerous territory.  Keep it up and you will achieve Joan Rivers status.

I will destroy you.

The best part of the evening though was Morgan Freeman being honored with the Cecil B. DeMille Award.  To be praised by film great Sidney Poitier is honor enough.  I loved every minute of his introduction.  As well as Helen Mirren’s part.  That woman is just delightful. Oddly enough, I was actually surprised during Freeman’s film montage.  I’m sure most people were.  Who knew he was on a kid’s show?

Hilarious, albeit a bit strange.

If anyone has an explanation for the above fashion choices, please let me know.

Sunday Pins

19 Dec

I thought I had posted this yesterday, but my brain occasionally goes on vacation and apparently I did not. So here are my pins for last week.

Want, want, want.  This would be perfect for my conference next month.  Is it too late to start a Christmas list?


Man, I want this one too!  I love a good leopard print.  Not like my past 1990’s leopard stretch-pant wearing, going to the club-self of course. More a modern day add a piece of flare self.

This person is kind of my hero.  I wonder long it took to finish this bad boy. More importantly, I wonder what it will look like in 20 years.  No, nevermind.  I don’t really want to know.

And lastly, the almighty basset.  My husband is slightly obsessed with them.  It most certainly will be our next dog.  You know, in another 5 years or so.  We are NOT getting another dog anytime soon.  Plus, dear old Max the chihuahua  is 12 and we all know chihuahuas live to be a million.  God help me and everyone around me when Max isn’t around.  I’m starting to tear up just thinking about it.  Why did I think about that?  Good lord.

Oh, God…look at this one.  Now I’m just making it worse.

Happy Monday everyone!




Sunday Pinning

11 Dec

Howdy everyone.  This is my one day this week to do nothing and you better believe I am going to do nothing. Well besides the normal playing with your two-year old stuff.  And bathing the stinky dog.  And I did just mop the kitchen floor.  But other than that – nothing!  Ok, ok.  We all know that once you become a mom the option of doing nothing does not exist.  But I will keep it as close to nothing as possible.  But before I do that, here are my pins for the week.


How magical is this?  Not only that, but this place is REAL.  I can’t believe Ive never heard of it, being such an animal freak (adopt a polar bear this month? Yes, yes, I did.)  But let’s just say my bucket list got a little longer this morning.



I already have all of this stuff in our craft box, so I’m going to throw these together for my Aunt’s Christmas Eve holiday thing.  Minus the Guiness because we aren’t Guiness drinkers.  But any beer would do.


This is such a great idea and a really cool way to help kids study.  My bf and I once sort of played a version of this online.  It was a who would you date game using the online listing for the members of House and Senate. It was uh, a slow day at work.  “Is he bald?”  No. “Does he have a mustache?”  It was really hilarious.  We are weirdos, but we’re fine with it.


And of course, something all for me. If someone could buy me this entire ensemble for Christmas, I will love you forever.




It’s Grammy time.

14 Feb

I have a love-hate relationship with awards shows. I have to watch them. All of them. I just can’t stop myself. I think I wear the same few outfits over and over again but still follow fashion in a feverish manner. Big Daddy won’t even stay in the room. He hates them first of all, but he also knows I’m going to hate my way through the whole thing. He’s smart, that man of mine.

I hate the babble on these shows. Ryan Seacrest might the the most annoying person on the planet. Minus Joan Rivers and her soon to be equally terrifying looking daughter. But there’s no sign of any Rivers women during the Grammys, so I’m off the hook tonight. Annoying as they may be, I sit my butt on this couch and watch the entire pre-show so I can get a better look at what everyone is wearing (or not wearing.) So, I’m writing this as I watch. Here’s Kelly Osborne. Why is she everywhere now? She loses twenty pounds and now she’s a fashion expert? Don’t get me wrong, I give her credit for turning herself around and I saw her on the cover of Shape Magazine looking super hot, but I’m still not ready to follow fashion cues from her. To be fair, I felt the same way when Nicole Richie went through her transformation.  But where is Nicole now, anyway?

Dear God, Lady Gaga is bat shit crazy.  In another life I probably would’ve hated her.  But in this life, I effing love her.  I can’t believe she just showed up in an egg “incubating.”  Seriously, what?  I love how she still manages to surprise me. Her new single is totally a blast from the past Madonna style, but she is kind of the Madonna of our generation, so it makes sense in a way.

Ugh.  John Mayer.  Johnny Depp wants his haircut back. I don’t even want to talk about you.

TIA CARRERE????  Where the eff did she come from and who is that little dude with her?  He’s not worthy! He’s not worthy!

Kim Kardashian just called herself a bronze trophy.  Sigh.  I thought I would blog through this entire pre-show, but there’s too much hate.  At least the Arcade Fire is performing tonight. But in the meantime, Mommy is going to get a pinot.

Did I mention that I love award shows?


I got Punk’d by Urban Outfitters

16 Aug

Except they are dead serious.

I will admit, I have had a love/hate relationship with Urban for years.  When they first opened up they were great.  You’d walk in, find a sweater that you, omg, like, have to have or you’ll die.  Where do I get $138?  Moooooooommmmm!   They basically sold kids an identity.  They just sold all of the kids that came into the store the exact same identity.  Nothing new here.  It’s just that everything was crazy overpriced.  And you’d think that once kids got older and learned the value of a dollar they would outgrow the store.  Nothing has changed and I get why kids/young adults shop there.  Been there, done that.  But I still see a lot people my age (ok, maybe a little younger in some cases) wearing this stuff.  FYI, you silly little hipsters, you aren’t witty or unique for shopping here.  You just look like everyone else.  Everything is mass-produced, and badly.  Everything I have ever purchased at Urban started to pill or fall apart pretty quickly. But then there are the times that I love Urban Outfitters.  I still have the omg I have to have that or I’m going to die moment.  I just accept the fact that I’m spending way too much money on something that won’t last.

So all of this being said, I just came across the Early Fall catalog and now I just flat-out don’t get it.  Someone has got to be playing a joke on all of us.  If I had the time or space to dissect every single page I would (and could) but it’s too much for my brain to handle.

Let’s just start with the cover.  First of all, where are they getting these people?  Aren’t models supposed to be good-looking?  These kids look like heroin addicts.  And not in a Kate Moss kind of way.  Plus they look like they’ve just walked out of a Good Will and made a killing.  Which would be preferable.

Ok, here we are at picture number two and that guy with the haircut is already annoying me.  Why is he smirking like that?  Oh, wait, I see.   It’s because he took the laces out of the chick’s boots on the right.  She was obviously too distracted trying to turn her blank stare into the blue steel when he was doing so.  She needs more practice. Hopefully we’ll all see her fall on her face before we’re done here.

Ah, yes.  The classic game of shared cup.  I always win at this game. “Hey dudes, after this let’s go to the diner.  I’ll bring my man clutch.  And my stupid haircut.”  “Sweet, I have a big stain on my sweater, but I’m going to wear it anyway.”

Ok, this one might be my favorite.  Why the fuck is that guy crying???  Maybe if he got better at playing shared cup he wouldn’t be such a sore loser.  I can’t even describe what else is going on here.  Dude on the left must be into yoga.   And I don’t know where this blond guy came from, but hopefully he can cheer up the rest of the group.

THIS GUY.  What are you wearing on your feet?  Those are lady moccasins!  Take those off right now!  I mean, your friend looks like a bama too, but you are just out of control.

Swing kids meet School Ties?  Guy on the left is pissed because he’s getting beat up after school and he knows his friend is going to bail on him to hang out with the new chick in the weird library.  “I’m sorry man, I got to touch fingers with Stacey.  Couldn’t make it.”

I don’t think I even need to touch this one.  Get worse Urban Outfitters.

Thank you for snoring.

10 Aug

So after a long night of listening to you know who snoring, my loud sighing, kicking and elbowing seemed to pay off.  He wandered off to the couch about 4:30am leaving me with a solid two hours of sleep.  Poor thing doesn’t always snore, so I appreciate him getting up.

Anyhoo, during this two hours I dreamed I had time and money to kill and found myself wandering around a mall.  I walked into the largest kiosk I’ve ever seen.  Although It was more like a long table than a kiosk.  It was filled with the most fabulous jewelry I have ever seen.  And everything was under $20.  The best part was that there was no one there but me.  I had it all to myself!  Have you ever wandered up to a kiosk or a display table just to have someone walk right in front of you?  It’s the most annoying thing in the world.  “Excuse me, I was looking at those.”   So as I am slowing becoming the most fabulous lady, maybe ever, my alarm clock went off.  And I was tired, not wearing any jewelry and without time and money to burn.  Worst wake-up EVER.  Not to mention that I seemed to think it was a good idea to switch my alarm to a rooster crowing.  I can’t recommend it.  Unless you like being frightened out of bed.  And after the ten minute snooze its just as surprising, believe me.

By the way,  if you are into fabulous jewelry like myself, please check out:


They’ve got a great giveaway going.  I can’t resist.

Let’s get down to business. Gaga business.

3 Aug

Time to get serious here people.  I have 35 days until the Lady Gaga concert.  Wtf am I going to wear?  It’s got to be good and I need to figure it out soon so I have time to make the costume.  God knows I’m not going to a Lady Gaga concert without getting dressed up.  One thing is for sure though, leotards are out.  I would also prefer to not look like a giant skank when I leave the house.  So that cuts a lot of her outfits out.  Pretty sure that was never a problem for my dear old mom.  So here are my top three looks that I am using as inspiration.  Comments and suggestions as to my direction are welcome.  I better learn origami, stat.

I’m fairly certain the night is going to be epic.  Not to mention that its taking place on my birthday.  Happy birthday mommy, time for pinot!

Jon Gosselin, your life just got better.

26 May

It has just come to my attention that Ed Hardy is now making condoms.

Who came up with this idea?  Was it Ed Hardy himself?  Perhaps someone caught on to the fact that the clothes they manufacture are God awful and they thought they should go in a different direction.  Why this was the direction they chose is beyond me.  ‘Well, the ladies love us, let’s start a sex line!  Brilliant.’  There is also lubricant apparently.  “Passionate flavors in ten assorted packets.”  Girls, what would you do if you found yourself with someone wearing one of these ‘Monsieur Bond’ condoms? Unless you are a cast mate of Jersey Shore, I’m pretty sure this is a huge turn off.

Actually, now that I think about it, I’ve seen the people who wear Ed Hardy clothing and I can picture seeing every single one of those people buying these.  Christian Audigier, you are a genius.

The good news here is that these people are keeping themselves from reproducing.  Here’s looking at you Jon.