Tag Archives: summer

Sunday Pins

26 Feb

Last week I had a dream it was summer. And I’ve been daydreaming about shorts and flip-flops ever since.  And the beach and picnics and sunshine and  my big floppy hat and everything else. It was 70 degrees twice last week so the idea of winter is over in my mind.  I was out yesterday without a coat.  I actually needed one, but that silly old brain of mine told me I didn’t before I walked out the door.  And then it snowed for a few minutes.  Sometimes that brain  does me wrong.  So I’ve been pinning images of summer and summer clothing all week.

I still stomp around in beat up old shorts like this. I don’t care.  I love them.  This outfit is pretty me.

This little girl is so precious.  She is so very into that watermelon.  She looks like she would raise hell if someone tried to take that watermelon from her. I just told Ava there were no more pancakes and I got that same look.

I wish someone had made a kid car wash for me growing up!  This looks like so much fun.  I’d probably ride through there with the kids.

I’m mentally placing myself into this image.  I am dying to get to the beach. Come on July!  I have a hat like that, but I am guessing it looks better on this chick than it does me.  It did not have the effect I was hoping for when I bought it.  I generally look stupid in hats, but I thought maybe this would be an exception. I wear it anyway though, because again, I don’t care.

I’ve never done this outside, but it looks like a lot of fun.  Actually, I don’t think I’ve played this game since I was 12.  Maybe all the Jillian Michael’s yoga I’ve been doing will pay off.

I’m just going to go sit here for a few hours.  See you guys later.

Sunday Pins

22 Jan

Tomorrow I head to my conference, aka, my first trip sans family. I’m incredibly nervous, but also pretty excited.  Didn’t lose that five pounds I had planned on, but I suppose I’ll get over it.  And I still haven’t finished packing.  Actually, that’s not true.  I packed and then I realized that I packed like a crazy person. Do I really need six pairs of shoes?  I had to reign myself in, so I pulled everything out.  I also thought to pack sweaters and then I checked the weather and its going to be 80 degrees and sunny all week.  I’m basically heading towards my heaven.  I’m bringing a suit jacket for the one day I’ll have to wear that and a jean jacket for night and calling it a day.  So today’s pins are all based on my imaginary wardrobe.  Basically the stuff that I wish I were taking with me.

I love this color combo.  As I get older I seem to acquire more and more shades of brown. I’m not really sure why, but I guess it’s better that wearing black all the time.

This outfit looks chic but comfy.  And these are actually good colors for me.  Gimmie.

There you are again brown. This would be perfect for one of my post conference networking events.

I love these shorts.  My husband thinks I’m crazy, but I wear shorts all year round. My office is super casual, as in, you literally wear whatever you want.  We just leave suits in the closet in case you need one.  I think that’s pretty common in tech oriented companies.  I was in the Facebook office not too long ago and it was like walking into Urban Outfitters.   So I have the constant internal struggle of not letting myself look like a complete ragamuffin when I leave the house. I am now an expert on dressing up jeans and shorts.  Nothing makes me happier than shorts, stockings and fab boots in the winter.  I honestly have more shorts now than skirts.  This outfit is very me for summer at work. Except I want to snag the chunky necklace from that girl.

I love this color.  I wish Pinterest would tell me where to find this because I’d go out and try it on.  I guess I should be glad it does not tell me for that very reason.  I could seriously just post outfits all day, but now I want to go shopping, so I need to stop.

Have a great Sunday everyone and a great week.  I’ll be back next week!