Archive | May, 2011


4 May

You guys can say what you want, but I couldn’t help myself.  I spotted these bad boys at the bank.  I was at least discreet when I took this picture. I think. There were always those rumors about Tom Cruise wearing lifts to look taller, but I don’t think I have ever seen them up close and personal until now.

That is at least an inch thick in the front of the sole and what – two, three inches in the back?  Poor man.  My co-worker didn’t believe me until he googled and found other examples:

I don’t really know what’s going on in the picture below, but it seemed fitting.  Does Arnold wear lifts?

There is really no excuse for these. There is nothing wrong with being short fellas.  Embrace it!

Disclaimer:  I realize that some people have one leg shorter than the other and I am not making fun of it.  Look closely and you will see they are both the same shoe (do I still look like a jerk?)

Oh, five minutes, where have you been?

3 May

So folks, its been a hectic few weeks, leaving me with zero time for writing. And thinking for that matter.  A trip to New York City to visit one of my besties for her 30th, which left me exhausted and feeling a tad bit old.  And then a big event at work where I witnessed quite possibly the greatest dyed, comb-overed mullet the world has ever known.  Not to mention way too many men wearing salmon colored pants.  Ah, Capitol Hill.  My child who decided she would no longer drink milk for two weeks (and therefore convincing me she was going to stop growing)decided that she now loves milk and demands it at-random.  MILK. MILK? MILK? MILK!  This is very similar to when we are in the car and I get SONG. SONG? SONG? SONG? SONG?!  I have yet to determine if this is a tactic to get me to turn my back for a moment and therefore give her the opportunity to draw yet another crayoned masterpiece on our wall. Big daddy and I are now on our third week of a trial-vegetarian period.  We’re hoping this didn’t contribute to us both getting sick last week.  Although I’m sure that was more a combination of allergies and sheer exhaustion.  So what if I fell asleep on a Friday night at 8:30pm half-way through a special on Royal Weddings past? To make matters worse, Game of Thrones has started and I had to start reading the book immediately, which means my geekiness is now out in full-effect and I’m losing even more sleep reading it.

Needless to say I have much to share, but my brain is currently on vacation, so I’ll get started tomorrow.  In-between packing for our move in three weeks and my trip to the beach with the ladies this weekend. Sheesh.