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Overheard – Elvis Costello

27 May

I just heard someone explaining that Elvis has become a very popular boys name.  “You know, because Elvis Costello is so big on the scene.”

I don’t think this person is aware that Elvis Costello is actually 56 years old.  Which leads me to believe that he doesn’t really know much about him at all.  I was interested in a weird way of what this kid’s definition of “scene” is, but I thought I better leave it alone before I had to school him on Elvis Costello, one of the greatest musicians of all time.  Not to mention the fact that Elvis is not actually a popular boys name.


17 May

So there’s this guy.  I think it’s better if he remain nameless.  He tried to tell my co-workers that the Chesapeake Bay Bridge is “literally” falling down.  He says that the Indians didn’t do a good job building it.  He was dead serious.

So, the Native Americans had access to steel apparently.  And were building bridges in 1949.  Genius.

You learn something new everyday.