Tag Archives: Clothing

Sunday Pins

25 Mar

Happy Sunday everyone.  It’s been a long weekend.  Which followed a long week.  Sigh.  I need a long vacation.  But with three major events coming up and my new side project, this is definitely not in the cards for me.  So my pins today are mostly just things that I want. And might buy. Because I can make almost any purchase seem reasonable.  It’s a skill really.

Want, want, want.  This is from Nautical Luxuries. Even the name makes me happy. A steal for $170!  Right? Uh, right?

Ava needs this in her life.  My husband has tried to enforce an owl ban in the house, because I’ve gone a bit overboard (so he says,) but this is so precious I’m sure he will forget.

Here’s the thing.  Steve Madden hates women.  No, he hasn’t said that anywhere, but I swear its true.  Either the shoes fall apart or they are incredibly uncomfortable.  But you can’t deny the fact that the guy makes a cute shoe.  I love these. My closet is starting to look like a Navy uniform, so what’s a little more? My favorite boots are Steve Madden. I’ve had to take them in to be resoled once already and it cost almost as much as the boots themselves, but they are my favorite and I will not hesitate to do it again.  Curse you Steve Madden.

Get in my life. I name you Grey Wind.  That’s right. I name all of my purses.  We have a special relationship. I had to put Hamptons out to pasture this season so I’m in need of a new summer go-to bag.


The husband took the child to his folks so I could have a few hours to myself this afternoon. I’m popping in Moonstruck in about five seconds.  It’s that kind of day.  Bella Luna.





Sunday Pins

19 Dec

I thought I had posted this yesterday, but my brain occasionally goes on vacation and apparently I did not. So here are my pins for last week.

Want, want, want.  This would be perfect for my conference next month.  Is it too late to start a Christmas list?


Man, I want this one too!  I love a good leopard print.  Not like my past 1990’s leopard stretch-pant wearing, going to the club-self of course. More a modern day add a piece of flare self.

This person is kind of my hero.  I wonder long it took to finish this bad boy. More importantly, I wonder what it will look like in 20 years.  No, nevermind.  I don’t really want to know.

And lastly, the almighty basset.  My husband is slightly obsessed with them.  It most certainly will be our next dog.  You know, in another 5 years or so.  We are NOT getting another dog anytime soon.  Plus, dear old Max the chihuahua  is 12 and we all know chihuahuas live to be a million.  God help me and everyone around me when Max isn’t around.  I’m starting to tear up just thinking about it.  Why did I think about that?  Good lord.

Oh, God…look at this one.  Now I’m just making it worse.

Happy Monday everyone!




I’ve been on Charlie Sheen for years.

8 Mar

I was born with tiger blood in my veins.  As an event planner, I have to come up with clever swag for each event.  Fortunately, I spent a good portion of my youth planning my own events (ok, ok. Keg parties.)  Somewhere in between youth and adulthood, I started planning something in between.  I used to have Julyoween every summer.  I tried to trademark it, but unfortunately you can’t trademark parties.  I’m dead serious.  I really tried to trademark a party.  In 2006, aka the “Summer of Whitney,” (quit your job, decide on where your life is going, spend your savings, party like a rockstar.) I decided to make Julyoween huge.  For those of you that haven’t put it together yet, Julyoween is Halloween in July.  I love dressing up so much that I need halloween twice a year.  I had it at a local music club and it almost sold out the entire place.  We had bands, a dj, games, etc.  So I created t-shirts for prizes and actually managed to sell most of them as well.  The best one:

I was so ahead of my time people.  As a product of the 1990s with a sense of humor always borderline stupid, I created a whole “line” of shirts based on bands in the 90s. The Charlie Sheen shirt was fashioned after an old Rage Against the Machine album (single)cover.  So I’m putting them back into rotation.  I’m working on getting all of my shirts up on an etsy account, but if you’re interested in joining in on the Charlie Sheen bandwagon, you can start here:


Ah, self promotion at its best.  I hope to have the shop completed by this weekend, so stay tuned.