Tag Archives: Versatile Blogger Award

You really like me!

16 Dec

What an awesome week I’m having (in the blog world anyway!) I just received my second Versatile Blogger Award, thanks to the incredibly funny From Nonsense to Momsense. This funny lady is an author, blogger, freelance writer, comedian, corporate speaker, filmmaker and mom.  So you can imagine just how excited I am that she picked me.  Please do yourself a favor and hop on over to her blog.

While I would love nothing more than to give a shout-out to some other fellow-bloggers, this is the second award I’ve received in one week.  Not that I like to toot my own horn of course.

But I’m afraid it would be repetitive to post the same list again.  You can find the original list here: http://wp.me/pROJ9-nV . Also, if you hop over to Pooter & Booger’s Place who I awarded earlier this week, she posted a great list of bloggers.  I’m just checking them out myself, but I’m liking what I see on that list.

Versatile Blogger Award – I’m blushing!

13 Dec

When I started this blog I didn’t know what I was doing. I still don’t if truth be told. I just wanted to write. So that’s what I’m doing.  Just writing.  About me, about being a mom, about my struggles of being a grown-up, about music, about stupid things that I see/hear/do. About anything really. I’ve always been all over the place, so why would my blog be anything different?

Some classify me as a mommy blogger, which in some respects I am.  Being a mom is the most important part of my life. Ava changed my entire world for the better.  Everyday is a joy/triumph/disaster/comedy/learning experience.  I still get overwhelmed at times, while at the same time I am itching for number two.  We’re not quite ready yet, but we can talk more about that in 2012.  You know, at the end of 2012.  All that aside, I don’t consider myself a mommy blogger any more than I consider myself just a mommy.  While that is an important part, I am not one of those women that becomes all consumed in it (not that there’s anything wrong with that.)  I am a person and an individual and prefer to be seen as one.  And I need to keep being that individual for my own well-being.  There is so much more to me.  In a non-bragging way of course.  I love so many things.  Music is a big one.  I’ve been known to be a bit of a music snob, but I’m getting over that these days.  While I don’t have the time or energy to read as much as I like these days, I still consider myself to be an avid reader. If I wasn’t smack in the middle of *nerd alert* “A Feast for Crows” (A song of Ice and Fire – book four) I would probably be knee-deep in one of my beloved historical fiction novels.  Or starting to read Pride & Prejudice for the umpteenth time.  I love fashion and art and film and a lot of ridiculous stuff as well.  I laugh at some of the same stuff I laughed at as a teenager (see: http://wp.me/pROJ9-jF) I still love costume parties. I am a huge nerd and love sci-fi, and tech toys and everyday start my morning reading my morning tech updates to see what’s new out there. But now I’m just rambling.

In my time blogging I have made some new “blog friends.”  People that I’ve never met but correspond with on a regular basis.  People that actually pay attention to what I have to say (amazing!) and those that I listen to as well. I’ve gotten a lot of great advice on all things kids related as well as on life in general.  Can’t beat that folks.

So I am really, really excited to say that one of my readers awarded me with the Versatile Blogger Award.  How cool is that?  Thank you to Mommy’s mom”ments. You made my day.   She’s only been blogging for a few months and she’s already making a name for herself in the blogosphere as a well-written mommy blogger.  I read her posts and think “man, I know exactly what she means.”  In other words, I can relate.  And I’m sure some of you can too.

Now, there are rules of acceptance that come with this Versatile Blogger Award, so let’s get that out of the way first:

1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.  – Done!  Please drop by her blog and check her out.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs you enjoy reading.
4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.

Here are my 7 random facts:

1.  My list of guilty pleasures is growing dramatically as I get older.

2. Sometimes I wish I had never told anyone I know that I started this blog.  I have so many more confessions that I would love to get off my chest.  And for some reason, I am perfectly fine with sharing these things with complete strangers, but not quite prepared to let on to those who know me.  But I may change my mind as time progresses.

3. In a completely non-bragging way, I sometimes quite like myself.  How fun am I?

4.  In a totally honest way, sometimes I can’t stand myself.  How annoying am I?

5. I steal my daughter’s coloring books and color in them at night once she has gone to bed.  Thank you Ava.  Laugh all you want, but they are an excellent stress reliever.

Note: almost freaking out when your kid tries to color on your masterpiece is probably taking it a bit far.

6. My hair is my security blanket. I have fabulous hair. There, I said it.

7.  I regularly listen to some of the same bands that I’ve loved since adolescence.  I love them. And true love lasts a lifetime.

I read a lot of good event planning and catering blogs, but I’m going to skip over them for now.  But picking 15 bloggers is hard. There are so many great writers out there.  And some entertaining folks that really deserve to be heard.  I often forget to “follow” the blogs that I like and just show up, so I think some of these bloggers may be completely surprised by me. (And after I finish this I swear to go back and follow every single one.) But here we go – the nominee’s are:

1. Pooter and Booger’s Place  – Writer, formal model, mother, and highly entertaining human being.  She has brought me to tears of laughter, but also had me on the verge of tears following one particular story.  She of course knows which one that is. Nothing but honesty over here folks.  Check her out.  Well, honesty and laughs.

2. The Weekly Argus – One word: HILARIOUS.  If unsure where to start, I recommend this: I’m thankful for potatoes.

3. camille reads – Ah yes, a fellow nerd girl like myself.  You may be amazed by the list of tags listed on here.  She really is the definition of versatile.  Plus, not going to lie, her Eye Candy section is pretty, uh, pretty.

4. Where Do Gaybies Come From?  – Recently showcased on Freshly Pressed, I am confident that he does not need me or anyone else to point out his blog.  But I’m doing it anyway.  He’s a self-titled “Gay Superdad.”  And it appears to me that he is 100% correct.  Always well-written, humorous and informative, this is a gem of a blog.

5. The Man Repeller – This fashionable lady puts a humorous twist on fashion.   What’s not to like?

6.  rockstar diaries – taza & husband – Happy (super fashionable)  people, happy baby, happy dog. Their dog by the way has his very own diary.  I like these people.

7. Cupcakes and Cashmere  – This girl is so put together that you almost want to hate her – but you won’t.

8. Down The Rabbit Hole – My favorite Bostonian by far….let’s start with her likes:

Likes: Glossy magazines, felines, tall men, cities, witty banter, trashy television, online stalking, bangle bracelets, unicorns, red wine, green olives, books with pictures and socialites.


9. MODGBLOG  – Oh the hilarity.  I don’t even know where to start on this one.  Just read it and laugh.  They are not assholes…so they say. Operation Wana is pretty awesome.

10. ChickenNuggetsAndElmo – – Chicken nuggets and Elmo?  Yes, I may or may not know a lot about those.  “PS: She would only agree to eat pasta on Thanksgiving.”  -yes we have a lot in common this lady and I.  And she’s funny.  Have I mentioned that I like funny?  She’s new to blogging so I’m happy to direct some traffic her way.

11. TheRedneckPrincess  -this reads like a guilty pleasure.  And maybe it is.  She’s also got an etsy shop.  Versatile indeed.

12. LittleMissVix  – This lovely brit is highly entertaining.  You can tell by her posts that she is an aspiring author.  But she talks about much more…did I mention that she’s british?  Brilliant!

13. SemiWeeklyEats – Meet Jess, fashionista and mom-to-be. Yes, that is a video from Kindergarten Cop you see. Be prepared though, her adventures in baking will make you hungry.  Very hungry.

I know this is cheating, but I’ve got to stop here.   I don’t want to just give this to anyone, and as I mentioned earlier, the other blogs I read are generally strictly event planning and catering. You know, because I plan events.  And I like food. And when I’m not busy working (and eating) I’m chasing a two-year old around, helping my husband find his shirt, shoes, socks, watch and everything else right under his nose.  And then when I’m done with that I  try to take some time to actually have a life. And then I come here.  I am BUSY.  If I’m lucky enough to get this again I am sure I’ll be able to fill those two spots.