Archive | October, 2011

So you agree, you think you’re pretty?

31 Oct

We moved into our neighborhood  in May so we’re still fairly new.  We’ve made friends with the people on our block and met a great family with kids for Ava to play with.  Ava wants to stop and talk to everyone, so its hard not to meet people. But everyone else was not so friendly and I found myself in an entirely new experience.  The neighborhood Mom clique.  Apparently all the ladies here are bff and the group is full.  I had my first experience at the pool this summer.  One of them was nice enough and chatted with me for a few minutes while the kids played, but there was one horrible woman who wouldn’t even look in my direction.  I learned that the women all work from home, are all on the neighborhood committee together and pretty much just associate with themselves.  After a difficult discussion where I had to answer many questions about my job and schedule, I was dying for an escape.  But there is no getting Ava out of the pool, so I was stuck.  Turns out, my friend a few doors down experienced something similar.  So at least I’m not alone. But I don’t think I’ve felt like that since the 7th grade.

Yesterday was the neighborhood Halloween “parade.”  By parade I mean the kids march around the courtyard in their costumes while listening to Halloween music.  And then they can just run around together and play.  I’m a pretty nice person and I like making friends (and now I sound like a 7th grader too.)  So I went in determined. I walked right into the circle of moms that I recognized and introduced myself and tried to have a conversation.  The first thing one of the women said to me was “I recognize that costume. It looked really cute in the catalog.”  It was the snottiest tone I’ve heard in a while.  Really lady?  I looked around and their kids all had handmade costumes.   Ok, strike one.  Must make your own costume.  Which I would have preferred to do anyway had I more time.  I guess that whole job thing got in the way again. After another minute of awkward talk I made my escape.  But then I went to plan B.  I sent my husband in.  I must say he’s pretty cute and he’s even cuter with Ava so I thought maybe he would have more luck.  He lasted about 45 seconds they were so unfriendly.  So I gave up.

We hung out with the neighbors that actually like us and had a good time anyway.  And Ava looked awesome in her catalog costume.

So now I’m wondering how common this is.  My neighbor is super nice and her kids are great, but she’s had the same experience and she’s a stay at home mom too.  So that can’t be the whole issue.  Do mean girls turn into alpha moms?  I wonder what they’re putting together for the neighborhood holiday party?

My love affair with Pinterest

30 Oct

I love you Pinterest.  I am seriously obsessed with this site.   Its like the upgraded version of the collages you made for your wall in high school.  It satisfies my inner 16 year-old self.  Not only that but it helps me organize. I am always thinking up new ideas for parties and events and I write them on a nearby piece of paper or in a notebook and then lose them. But now they are all in one place.  And I can categorize things into boards that I just like looking at.  Here’s hoping my beach board wards off some of that seasonal depression and motivate me to exercise. Some of my Pinterest favs from the week:

Please take me to Japan so I can ride this amazing roller coaster.  Thanks.

I love an easy craft. I’ve already made a bunch of these.  Great for little Ava and I gave some to my younger sister as well.   You just paint your bobby pins with nail polish.  Cute and easy.

Speaking of nail polish….

I’m now on the hunt for an old spice rack. I have nail polish everywhere. Hence the bobby pins above.  Kitchen drawers, under the bathroom sink, in dressers, etc.  Super organized over here.

This image makes me so happy.  It reminds me of summer with the sun high in the sky.  A distraction from the snow on my car right now.  Because seriously, why is there snow on my car in October?  I’m not ready!  I would give you my right arm to be on that boat right now.  And I am going to make that whale pillow mine.

How cute are these pumpkin pie bites? It’s too late for Halloween, so I’m making them for Thanksgiving.  This also led me to the bakerella  blog that I think I’m going to be in love with.  Instructions in the link below….

Pumpkin Pie Bites

Enjoy bakers!

I’m baaaaaaaaacck

29 Oct

Been a long time folks.  I guess I lost my motivation.  And my mind a little bit.  A recap of the last  few months:  I got married.  It was awesome.  I got meningitis and wound up in the hospital and stuck at home recovering for weeks.  It was not awesome.  I went to Barbados and swam with turtles, saw snails the size of my foot and saw some scary things too:

Other than that bug, it was awesome as well.  The people of Barbados are truly lovely.  Then I came back and threw my organization’s 10th anniversary event.  It went amazingly well and we had close to 400 people in attendance.  But I’m glad it’s over.  Now I can breathe a bit again.  Life has been slightly insane.

So, up to date.  Ava and I have been busy crafting and getting ready for Halloween. Tomorrow is her Halloween “parade,”  in which my friend next door and I face off against the mom clique. Yes, they exist.  More on that Monday.  I’ve decided to try make this blog  more personal now that I’m getting back in the swing of things.  I am also currently obsessed with both Pinterest and The Game of Thrones books.   Lots more on those things to come I’m afraid.

What I’m loving this week:

Welcome back, me.