Save me Frodo

23 Apr

So I follow Stephen Colbert on Twitter because he’s hilarious, obviously.  And yesterday he tweeted that he wished there was a meal between breakfast and brunch.  So what do I do?  I respond with what seemed like seemed a perfectly good answer.  Not even thinking that I have no business responding to Stephen Colbert in the first place.  I tell him that there is a meal between the two, called “second breakfast.”  Moments later I remember that this is actually what the hobbits call it and that it doesn’t actually exist, unless you live in Middle Earth.  Fucking Lord of the Rings.  I swear to God I used to be cool.

2 Responses to “Save me Frodo”

  1. Collin April 23, 2010 at 4:09 pm #

    no, this makes you cool!

  2. Ann January 4, 2011 at 10:09 pm #

    I just came across your blog by chance. Actually, there is a real thing called second breakfast. They do it in Bavaria (ya know, in Germany). Second breakfast consists of sausages and beer. I’m not kidding. I went to one during a FAM trip in Munich.

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